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#small production.
#bio living.
#extra virgin olive oil
Aromatic, bitter, fruity, extremely low acidity level, very reach in antioxidants.
These are some of the very strong characteristics of our unique "Holy Mount" premium
extra virgin olive oil. It is pressed only mechanically and extracted only by green, healthy and early harvested olives. This is why this olive oil is so fruity in the nose and bitter in the mouth.
The acidity level of almost every harvest is lower than 0.2% and the very best of it achieves acidity lower than 0.08%. These quality factors give to our
olive oil a place between the very best ones globally!
You can try and buy "Holy Mount" premium extra virgin olive oil at our own cellar inside "Ouranoupoli Camping & Bungalows".
where can i find it?
#flavoured olives & wild herbs
Fresh olives from our own olives trees are available also. The Olives are maintained in fresh salty water without preservatives. You can choose between natural bitter, piccante ones or flavored
with wild oregano and olive oil.
The mountains of the surounding area and especially from mount Athos provide us with wild
mountain herbs like oregano, rosemary or wild tea.
We carefully collect them and maintain these.
It is amazing how many different herbs provide
solutions to so many different
health problems.
organic is the only way
Organic farming guarantees that the final product contains all the natural characteristics like aroma, color and nutrients. It is the only sustainable way of living because it is simply the only way that the "mother nature" works.
Our family is dealing with the farming and production of high-quality agriculture products from our own land for years now.
Products made with love and care, following the traditional way combined with the newest agriculture techniques and the highest quality standards.
All of these products you can taste them at our own visitable underground cellar inside the camping facilities. Premium extra virgin olive oil and flavored olives, natural bee honey and cosmetics, wild herbs, aromatic wine and our own "tsipouro" the origin of famous Ouzo.
check the details below
The greatest nature's superfood is the naturally harvested bee honey. It is really important
that the bees find their necessary juices freely in the
surrounding flowers and herbs.
When this is happening the nutrients and the healthiness of the honey is geometrically higher.
This honey we offer you at our cellar, honey which
is collected by multiple areas of Halkidiki and Mount Athos following the flowers and the herbs.
Also, the second magic product that we take from the
honey creating procedure is the natural bee wax.
It contains a huge amount of anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and healing ingredients.
We combine these magic ingredients with
our finest extra virgin olive oil to create natural cosmetics and medicinal creams.
Spent some time to visit us and try them.